Venice - For the Day of the authors, Andrea Segre
personal success with "I am Li". The director said, "is
a story that is born in reality because it is the inn
where I shot the film I met the real Shun Li. I ran into
this story that could probably become another
documentary but I tried to turn it into a movie
returning to run the tavern. this movie m like to think
more like continuity as a transition from documentary to
fiction film. Work with the documentary, I worked with
language in this documentary film. "(Service Francesco
Macri, September 5, 2011)
Biennale Cinema 2011 : "Another silence" by Santiago
Amigorena, the Days presents a thriller that reaches the
border from Canada to Argentina-Bolivia
Venice -
"Another silence" by Santiago Amigorena, the Days
presents a thriller that reaches the border from Canada
to Argentina-Bolivia. Amigorena told us, "I wanted to
make a film in Argentina, but it seemed like a lie to go
to Argentina because there now exists a reality film
consistent. I will never be a director of Argentina,
which is why the protagonist is a stranger, the film is
in English, as well as Spanish, was a way not to lie to
myself. "The protagonist, the beautiful Marie-Josée
Croze adds, "I thought of a woman who has suffered much
in a state that tova unlivable, so I approached the
Francesco Macri, September 4, 2011)
Biennale Cinema 2011 : A Virna Lisi il premio
Bianchi, "E' una grande gioia, grazie ai
Venezia -
Assegnato anche quest'anno il
premio Bianchi, un riconoscimento ha il
senso di un riconoscimento, ha una storia,
lo hanno avuto da Mario Soldati in poi
grandi autori, ma anche attori e artisti
vari del cinema come l’anno scorso Dante
Ferretti. Quest’anno il premio va a una
commossa e bellissima Virna Lisi. E Virna
Lisi soddisfatta, commenta, “é un grande
onore ricevere questo premio. Ringrazio i
giornalisti per questo premio. Rappresentano
una categotia che in passato non amavo molto,
perché temevo scrivessero cose che mi
potessero danneggiare, ma non è mai stato
cosi. Ricevere questo premio mi ha dato una
grande gioia”.
Francesco Macri, 8 Settembre 2011)