Venice -
And here is the jury of 68 ° Mostra del Cinema. Artists
that somehow made their mark in their genres of music
and this year there is also David Byrne. For the
president, Darren Aronofsy "It 'definitely a great year
does not remember ever having a list so interesting
face. I attended to other juries, there are always some
films that do not interest you instead in this case the
films are all interesting. "David Byrne said, "the list
of films is straordinario.Come Darrel said the real
challenge is to have an open mind, to have no bias
towards gender nesun movies we see." A comment for
Eija-Liisa Ahtila, "After seeing a movie you have to
share the eserienze and this will greatly assist the
selection process."
(Service Francesco Macri, 30 August 2011).