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Biennale di Venezia 2012

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Biennale Cinema 2012 : the Golden Lion at "La Pietà" of Kim Ki-duk singing at the awards ceremony

Lido - The Golden Lion at the 69th edition of the Venice Film went to "La Pietà" by Kim Ki-duk, who thanked the jury and reporters, singing a lullaby Korean. The film marked the "rebirth" of Kim Ki-duk after a period of creative crisis. The film is the story of a cruel man who works for the lenders and from day to day is forced to deal with the arrival on the scene in his life, a woman who claims to be his mother and asks for forgiveness abandoning him. In addition to the awards tonight, "Pietà" also won three awards side,
The jury, chaired by Michael Mann also awarded "The Master" by Paul Thomas Anderson, the prize for best director and Coppa Volpi for Best Actor went ex-aequo with Joaquin Phoenix and Philip Seymour Hoffman. Jury Prize at Ulrich Seidl for "Paradise Faith" and the Coppa Volpi for Best Actress at Hadas Yaron for "Fill the Void". A Fabrizio Falco, the Marcello Mastroianni Award for dual performance in "The Sleeping Beauty" by Bellocchio and "E 'was the son" of Ciprì. (Giovanna Votano, Lido, Sept. 8, 2012)


Biennale 2012 : "The Company You Keep" by Robert Redford is the most beautiful film of the Mostra

Lido - The best films presented at the festival, "The Company You Keep" with Robert Redford, looks like a big assist the Campaign elettorasle for his friend Barack Obama. Redford explores the subtle but solid mconfine in the Seventies exist between terrorism and organized peace movement antiVietnam. "I was interested in what has happened in their life, not your actions," said Rdeford, "I wanted to investigate the moral question that dwells inside of them 30 years after those events, their flurry of questions: 'We have done well? we made ​​mistakes? we did it for a good cause? Now we are the same people as before? 'In other words I wanted to tell the feelings, not the causes. "The film focuses on a group of former terrorists, perpetrators of the bomb the Capitol in Washington and ldel failed attack on the Pentagon in 1972, is "The Weather Underground," Among the stars: Julie Christie, Nick Nolte, Susan Sarandon, Richard Jenkins, Sam Elliott , Stanley Tucci and Redford.
(Giovanna Votano, September 7, 2012)

Biennale Architettura 2012 : Common Ground, Golden Lion for Best National Participation to Japan

Gardens of Venice - Common ground. The Golden Lion for Best National Participation to Japan fot Architecture possible here? Home-for-All; Naoya Hatakeyama, Kumiko Inui, Sou Fujimoto, Akihisa Hirata (Pavilion in the Giardini); Commissioner: Toyo Ito. Commissioners Added: Atsuko Sato, Tae Mori.The International Jury of the 13. International Architecture Exhibition composed by Wiel Arets (President, The Netherlands), Kristin Feireiss (Germany), Robert AM Stern (USA), Benedetta Tagliabue (Italy), Alan Yentob (Great Britain) has decided to award the following official awards: 4374 visitors in two locations in the Giardini and the Arsenale (+39% compared to the 3138 edition, 2010), the first giomata to the public 13. International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, Common Ground (until November 25, 2012). Were 10,408 visitors during the three days of paint (it was 9578 in 2010). 1886 were finally accredited journalists and present to the paint (there were 1,757 in 2010, an increase of 7%). The architecture looks for a common vision and shared. Recovering a background of shared ideas and culture. This is the message of David Chipperfield, direct the Venice Architecture Biennale this year. A juxtaposition of images of the past and visions of the future. "Italy is the spiritual home of architecture," said Chipperfield starting from the main charges that move to contemporary design, "it is here that you can fully understand the importance of the building not as individual performance but rather as a manifestation of values collective and scenery of daily life. This tangible sense of context and history reminds us that our world is built is a testament to the continuing evolution of the architectural language and an essential tool for our understanding of the world around us. "
(Giovanna Votano, Gardens, Aug. 28, 2012)






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