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Mostra del Cinema : Documentary

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Biennale Cinema 2011 : Out of competition, "Wilde's Salome" with Al Pacino

Venice - For the Day of the authors, Andrea Segre personal success with "I am Li". The director said, "is a story that is born in reality because it is the inn where I shot the film I met the real Shun Li. I ran into this story that could probably become another documentary but I tried to turn it into a movie returning to run the tavern. this movie m like to think more like continuity as a transition from documentary to fiction film. Work with the documentary, I worked with language in this documentary film. "(Service Francesco Macri, September 5, 2011)


Biennale Cinema 2011 : Alle Giornate degli Autori, "Voi siete qui", scopre il cinema prodotto a Roma

Venezia - "Voi siete qui" di Francesco Matera, alle Giornate degli autori, mostra la storia del cinema con immagi nid ei film realizzati a Roma. L'ideatore, Alberti Crespi ha spiegato “abbiamo pensato ad un documentario da dedicare alle città di Roma e abbiamo cercato di ricoprire un arco di tempo ampio da Roma città aperta fino ai film più recenti girati in capitale”. Il co-ideatore Alessandro Boschi ha aggiunto, “nel film hanno partecipato moltissimi personaggi, a cui siamo grati.  Il gioco della memoria, non della nostalgia, è presnte ed è una linfa per il cinema”. (Servizio di Francesco Macri, 5 Settembre, 2011)

Biennale Cinema 2011 : "Vivan las antipodas" Victor Kossakosky in a better world

Venice - Out of Competition, "Vivan las antipodas" Victor Kossakosky impressed style reminiscent of Godfrey Reggio and the message crystal clear. Kossakosky said, "I traveled the world to find the right match between the various stories. In this movie there are two stories that are poles apart. We chose places that were not perhaps as interesting from the point of view but so were the drammmatico pun to view film. I wanted to make a film for the general public and show that the narrative is so important, but so is the visual aspect. with this film I wanted to say that we love the people who seem different from us. I tried to remove from my film in the assembly all that might seem political. "(Service Francesco Macri, August 31, 2011)




Presentation 2011

Competitions 2011

Other sectiosn 2011

Documentary 2011

Star 2011

Interview 2011

Variety 2011

Jury 2011

Awards 2011

Photos 2011

Staff 2011


Archivio Mostra

Venezia 2011

Venezia 2010

Venezia 2009

Venezia 2008

Venezia 2007

Venezia 2006

Venezia 2005