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Mostra del Cinema : Competition

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Biennale Cinema 2011 : The correspondence between Freud and Jung are at the heart of the story of "Dangerous Method," of Cronenberg


Venice - The correspondence between Freud and Jung and the cases of schizophrenia, are at the heart of the story of "Dangerous Method," David Cronenberg confirms, "There is much material in the letters. At that time in Vienna was a great circulation of letters. Pasate Many letters are in the hands of these characters. This is the basis of the screenplay "For the lead character, Viggo Mortesen," This is our film is based on a play. When intrerpreta a character that people think they know you have the idea that it is very important and probably play a significant character nn you can work very well and have fun ", a beautiful Keira Knightley adds," I read a lot of Jung, I talked to some psicoanalsti to learn more "(Service of Francesco Macri, September 3, 2011)

Biennale Cinema 2011 : "A Simple Life" of Ann Hui is an intense film, in which the protagonist, an old maid, is retiring.  extraordinary payment of extraordinary feelings and interpretations

Venice - "A Simple Life" is an intense film, in which the protagonist, an old maid, is retiring. For all the vision there is an extraordinary payment of extraordinary feelings and interpretations. For the director, Ann Hui, "This film is a story based on true facts, the character of Roger Lee, is a story of his relationship with those who worked with him and he told me he wanted to do a film on these reports, we included Andy Lau and we made ​​the film. "the producer Roger Lee adds," I need to tell a story. All 'begins ieda was that of a theater piece so to speak against, I presented the project in Ann Hui we started working on it "(Servizio di Francesco Macri, 6 Settembre 2011)

Biennale Cinema 2011 : "Carnage" with Kate Winslett

Venice - Missing course director Roman Polanski in a film that looks like an interesting chamber theater. Excellent dialogue, timely jokes. Kate Winslett interpretation of amazing, "I found myself unconsciously involved in this kind of story that encompasses the dynamics of family life. The script was amazing and I'm glad Eser was included in this project, "For Yasmina Reza," The film is based on a pice that I wrote, that had a tragic ending, the film will be different for Roman. Polanski did not want to finish everything negatively, he wanted to give hope ".(Service Francesco Macri, September 3, 2011)


Biennale Cinema 2011 : "Contagion" of Sodebergh, the plague of the millennium, the time of the global economic crisis 

Venice - The plague of the millennium, the time of the global economic crisis. And 'this film Sodebergh who comments, "I think everyone should be documented in the scientific part, the scenes had to be plausible, that's why you have chosen a realistic approach." And Matt Damon adds, "was difficult to understand the character. all that makes the character makes sense to me as a father, tries to potreggere family.. "Bravissima Gwyneth Paltrow," if you go to someone in a hurricane aitare no one will kill you, but if you help someone who has a virus causes damage to yourself. you can not be heroic in these situations unless you want to die. "(Service of Francesco Macri, September 6, 2011)

Biennale Cinema 2011 : "Ides of March" of George Clooney, timely and accurate installation and extraordinary interpretations, in this drama of politics

Venice - Timely and accurate installation and extraordinary interpretations, in this drama of politics. Clooney the director explains, "we saw a play with great actors who had the primary elections as an argument and found it very interesting. Hence the idea of the film." The main character, Evan Rachel Wood says, "to be an poterebbe my character a blonde is so stupid, but nos. And 'one to numerous consciously aware that he did his choices. sutpisa it was not that way. "resounding once more Paul Giamatti," my character has a lot to do with seduction. in America in the world of politics is very seductive. It 'was interesting to do this character. "(Service ofi Francesco Macri, September 1, 2011)

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Biennale Cinema 2011 : Σκανδαλώδη και μυστηριώδη το ελληνικό "Alpis"  

Βενετία - Μια αίρεση των ανθρώπων, απλά "Alpis", που υπηρετούν στις οικογένειες που έχασαν τη ζωή τους σε ένα σπίτι., Διευθυντής Γιώργος Λάνθιμος εξήγησε αυτή τη σκανδαλώδη και μυστηριώδη ταινία, "συζήτησα με τον συν-συγγραφέας μου για το τι ήθελα να κάνω . Νομίζαμε ότι οι άνθρωποι που έγραψαν επιστολές ή γίνονται τηλεφωνήματα σε κάποιον που προσποιείται ότι είναι κάποιος που ήταν ήδη νεκρός. Αλλά νομίζαμε ότι αυτή η ιδέα δεν θα μπορούσε να είναι χρήσιμο από την άποψη της ταινίας γι 'αυτό είπαμε ότι ενδιαφέρονταν περισσότερο για τους ανθρώπους που πραγματικά πάει σε μια απομίμηση κάποιος άλλος τόπος ». (Υπηρεσία Francesco MACRI, 6 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2011)

Biennale Cinema 2011 : Smart and timely, "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" starring Colin Firth


Venice - To the star Colin Firth, "surely this movie pleasures, people love to hear the language in its best, will have a large audience. The director Tomas Alfredson, playing with Colin Firth, adding "when the cast is a Swedish film coming to all talk as if I were deaf or old, are happy with everything." The other protagonist Benedict Cumberbatch says, "this is talking about the subtleties of the role you want to play as an actor and put particilari relief. There are a number of subtleties in this character "
Enthusiastic producer Tim Bevan "anyone would be thrilled to gather a cast like this, the badget was not expensive, it was amazing what we wanted to do."
(Service Francesco Macri, September 6, 2011)

Biennale Cinema 2011 : "Terraferma" di Crialese, film etico sull'immigrazione e non politico

Venezia - Per il regista Emanuele Crialese, ”la cronaca era punto d’ispirazione per il film, ma era il caso di raccontare quanto accadeva dal punto di vista diverso da quello cronachistico o documentaristico”. Il protagonista Mimmo Cuticchio sostiene che “Ernesto è un uomo che porta dei valori dentro di sè e vuole insegnare il mestiere del pescatore al nipote. Vede il nipote distratto e cerca di proteggerlo secondo quei valori fondanti della propria cultura. Lo sceneggiatore Vittorio Moroni spiega, “il film non si occupa tanto della questione della legge del momento ma piuttosto qual è l’organizzazione morale, l’organizzazione etica”. (Servizio di Francesco Macri, 7 Settembre, 2011)


Biennale Cinema 2011 : "Himizu"シオン私は日常の悪夢についての素晴らしいストーリーです。

ヴェネツィア - ディレクターのシオンは、私がこれまでの私の映画の中で常に映画のために特別に書かれた物語を扱ってきた時"、と述べている。今回は私が漫画になる私のフィルムを取ると思った。日本では3月11日の大惨事の後ので、私はスクリプトを書き直し、映画の内容がかなり変更されています。"エグゼクティブプロデューサーのトムヨーダは、表面的なレベルで多くの暴力が、伝えるのは本当に良い仕事ので、私はこの映画を見ていない理由の暴力とアクションが、あなたが見しようとする必要があることを多層があるが、そこにある"と言う日本の青年。" (フランチェスコマクリーサービス、2011年9月7日)




Presentation 2011

Competitions 2011

Other sectiosn 2011

Documentary 2011

Star 2011

Interview 2011

Variety 2011

Jury 2011

Awards 2011

Photos 2011

Staff 2011


Archivio Mostra

Venezia 2011

Venezia 2010

Venezia 2009

Venezia 2008

Venezia 2007

Venezia 2006

Venezia 2005