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Mostra del Cinema :Out the competition

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Biennale Cinema 2010 : Applause and great emotion for the best movie so far seen the show, and directed by Swedish actress Pernilla August, is called "Beyond"

Lido - Applause and great emotion for the best movie so far seen the show, and directed by Swedish actress Pernilla August, is called "Beyond" section of the Critics' Week. It 's a story of immigration and labor, two spouses and their children, moved from Finland to Sweden, resulting in the failure to integrate, into alcoholism, violence. Everything is bathed in the flash back to the bedside of her daughter called her mother, (Service of Francesco Macri, September 7, 2010)


Biennale Cinema 2010 : Em 102 anos, o diretor Português Manoel de Oliveira ainda carrega muito da poesia e belas imagens do festival

Lido - Nascido no Porto em 11 de dezembro de 1908, a Manoel de Oliveira levou o Show, "Painéis de São Vicente de Fora, poética Visa. Um diretor que traz todos os sinais da história do cinema e todas as suas obras são destinados a entrar em lenda. Ele começou a dirigir um documentário mudo "Douro, faina fluvial" (1929), dedicado à vida do porto de Porto. Primeira chamada do Festival de Veneza em 1956 com "O Pintor ea Cidade", um documentário sobre o Porto. (Serviço de Francesco Macri, 09 de setembro de 2010)

Biennale Cinema 2010 : Marco Bellocchio door to the festival, "Sorelle Mai", evidence of film shot from 1999 that tell the story of an Italian family in a mountain village Bobbio

Lido - Marco Bellocchio door to the festival, "Sisters ever, evidence of film shot from 1999 that tell the story of an Italian family in a mountain village Bobbio. Film lyric, tragic, beautiful photography, which makes a mockery of the conventions, shot durente cinema lessons of Italian director. The protagonists are two children and aunts Bellocchio. (Service of Francesco Macri, September 8, 2010)

Biennale Cinema 2010 : Casey Affleck with "I'm Still Here" tells the story of the singer Joaquin Phoenix

Lido - The film follows the musical career of Joaquin Phoenix after leaving the actor in 2008 to coincide with the launch of his latest film "Two Lovers". The controversy there have been and are still doubts about the veracity of the alleged facts recounted in the film. (Service of Francesco Macri, September 9, 2010)

Biennale Cinema 2010 : trionfo Es como "Machete" Rodríguez con Bob De Niro

Lido - Triunfo de "Machete" Rodríguez, el co-presidente del jurado, Quentin Tarantino. reparto excepcional con una parte interesante de Bob De Niro intramonatabile. Revistas de todo tipo de cine puro y b-movie, de "Los intocables" en el western en una película que aborda un problema social enorme: la frontera entre los EE.UU. y México, y la migración ilegal del Sur al Norte el mundo. (Servicio de Francisco Macri, 02 de septiembre 2010)


Biennale Cinema 2010 : Stories of drugs and crime in "Et in terra pax" of Botrugno and Coluccini

Lido - Three stories of drugs and crime in the suburbs of Rome. Mark spent five years in prison is convinced by his former friends, Glaucus and Mauro, to return to selling drug(Service of Francesco Macri, September 9, 2010)

Biennale Cinema 2010 : Marion Hansel réalisateur de "Noir de l'océan" raconte l'histoire de quelques jeunes gens se sont retrouvés sur un navire qui avait des essais nucléaires

Lido - Notre interview exclusive avec le réalisateur du réalisateur belge Marion Hansel de "Noir de l'océan» de Sutor Day, qui raconte l'histoire de quelques jeunes gens se sont retrouvés sur un navire français qui a été nucléaires. Sa mission est de raconter des histoires et décrire la réalité. (Service de Francesco Macri 7 Septembre 2010).


Biennale Cinema 2010 : "Pequeñas voces" denounced the disappearance of five million childrem for civil war, slaves of drug lords



Lido - From Colombian film "Pequeñas voces" the denunciation of the millions of children torn from their families and ended up in paramilitary and FARC. A strong complaint against war and violence in a beautiful animated. A brave film complaint, delicate but penetrating, who dares to defy the powerful Colombian drug cartels and some of the same powerful members of Parliament. (Service of Francesco Macri, September 5, 2010) 




Mostra 2010





Out of the Competition










Archivio Mostra

Venezia 2009

Venezia 2008

Venezia 2007

Venezia 2006

Venezia 2005